DC8ads v5

The Standard DC8ads v5 instance is in the DCadsv5 series with 8 vCPUs and 32.0 GiB of memory starting at $0.41 per hour on-demand or $0.37 per hour with spot machines.



On Demand


1 Yr Reserved

3 Yr Reserved


Family Sizes

Size vCPUs Memory (GiB)
dc2ads-v5 2 8
dc4ads-v5 4 16
dc8ads-v5 8 32
dc16ads-v5 16 64
dc32ads-v5 32 128
dc48ads-v5 48 192
dc64ads-v5 64 256
dc96ads-v5 96 384

<- All Azure VM Types


Instance Details

Compute Value
vCPUs 8
Memory (GiB) 32.0
Memory per vCPU (GiB) 4.0
CPU Architecture x64
Capacity Support False
VM Generations Supported V1,V2
Low Priority True
vCPUs per Physical Core 2
VM Deployment Method IaaS,PaaS
Networking Value
Accelerated Networking True
Storage Value
Local Temp Storage (GiB) 300
Cached Disk Size with Host Caching (GiB) 0
Cached/Temp Storage Throughput (IOPS) 16000
Cached/Temp Storage Read/Write Throughput (MBps) 134
Uncached Disk Throughput (IOPS) 12800
Uncached Disk Read/Write Throughput (MBps) 201
Premium I/O True
Ultra Disks Supported False
Encryption True
Memory Maintenance True
Azure Value
Instance Type dc8ads-v5
Instance Name Standard DC8ads v5
Name DC8ads v5
Family dcadsv5
Confidential SNP
RDMA False