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DC16s v3

The Standard DC16s v3 instance is in the DCsv3 series with 16 vCPUs and 128.0 GiB of memory starting at $1.54 per hour on-demand or $0.22 per hour with spot machines.



On Demand


1 Yr Reserved

3 Yr Reserved


Family Sizes

Size vCPUs Memory (GiB)
dc1s-v3 1 8
dc2s-v3 2 16
dc4s-v3 4 32
dc8s-v3 8 64
dc16s-v3 16 128
dc24s-v3 24 192
dc32s-v3 32 256
dc48s-v3 48 384

<- All Azure VM Types


Instance Details

Compute Value
vCPUs 16
Memory (GiB) 128.0
Memory per vCPU (GiB) 8.0
CPU Architecture x64
Capacity Support False
VM Generations Supported V2
Low Priority True
vCPUs per Physical Core 1
VM Deployment Method IaaS
Networking Value
Accelerated Networking True
Storage Value
Local Temp Storage (GiB) 0
Cached Disk Size with Host Caching (GiB) 0
Cached/Temp Storage Throughput (IOPS) 154000
Cached/Temp Storage Read/Write Throughput (MBps) 154000
Uncached Disk Throughput (IOPS) 51200
Uncached Disk Read/Write Throughput (MBps) 768
Premium I/O True
Ultra Disks Supported False
Encryption True
Memory Maintenance True
Azure Value
Instance Type dc16s-v3
Instance Name Standard DC16s v3
Name DC16s v3
Family dcsv3
Confidential False
RDMA False