
The i8g.48xlarge instance is in the storage optimized family with 192 vCPUs, 1536.0 GiB of memory and up to 100 Gibps of bandwidth starting at $18.121 per hour.



On Demand


1 Yr Reserved

3 Yr Reserved


Family Sizes

Size vCPUs Memory (GiB)
i8g.large 2 16
i8g.xlarge 4 32
i8g.2xlarge 8 64
i8g.4xlarge 16 128
i8g.8xlarge 32 256
i8g.12xlarge 48 384
i8g.16xlarge 64 512
i8g.24xlarge 96 768
i8g.metal-24xl 96 768

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Instance Details

Compute Value
vCPUs 192
Memory (GiB) 1536.0
Memory per vCPU (GiB) 8.0
Physical Processor AWS Graviton4 Processor
Clock Speed (GHz) 2.7
CPU Architecture arm64
GPU Architecture None
Video Memory (GiB) 0
GPU Compute Capability (?) 0
Networking Value
Network Performance (Gibps) Up to 100
Enhanced Networking True
IPV6 True
Placement Group (?) True
Storage Value
EBS Optimized True
Max Bandwidth (Mbps) on (EBS) 60000
Max Throughput (MB/s) on EBS 7500.0
Max I/O Operations/second (IOPS) 240000
Baseline Bandwidth (Mbps) on (EBS) 60000
Baseline Throughput (MB/s) on EBS 7500.0
Baseline I/O Operations/second (IOPS) 240000
Devices 12
Swap Partition False
NVME Drive True
Disk Space (GiB) 3750
SSD True
Initialize Storage False
Amazon Value
Generation current
Instance Type i8g.48xlarge
Family Storage optimized
Name I8G 48xlarge
Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) False